Beograd, 30. septembar 2013. godine – U okviru aktivnosti na jačanju saradnje sa najznačajnijim institucijama kulture u Srbiji, Narodna biblioteka Srbije nastavlja uspešnu saradnju sa Legatom Milorada Pavića. Nakon objavljivanja dela Kutija za pisanjeMilorada Pavića, nacionalna biblioteka izlaže dragocenu rukopisnu građu i predmete koji se čuvaju u Legatu ovog čuvenog srpskog naučnika, pisca i akademika.
In 2013 Chinese publishing house Shanghai Translation Publishing House published three different issues of Milorad Pavic’s Dictionary of the Khazars (米洛拉德·帕维奇). First the book was printed in two hardcover editions, one with a globally recognizable design, the other a luxury edition, to be followed by an e-book version in October on Chinese Amazon. The large Shanghai publisher decided to entrust this task to three translators, 南山 - Nan Shang, 戴骢- Dai Cong, 石枕川- Shi Zhenchuan. Especially since five more books by Pavic will be printed by the same publisher next year.
Chinese readers, press and critics have received with delight this famous book by the Serbian writer which has been achieving cult fame in the Far East these past few years, having been translated not only into Chinese, but into Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Mongolian, Taiwanese and Vietnamese as well. "Admiration for Serbian writer Milorad Pavic is growing globally” says international Chinese radio GB Times on its website. In a highly scientific text in the Chinese New York Times, author Ali Han, professor of contemporary American literature at the University of Peking compares the male and female version of Dictionary of the Khazars with the yin and yang principle, basing his conclusion on the significance and complexity of this book to world literature on philosophical and metaphysical essence. Readers on, rating the Kindle version of Dictionary of the Khazars highly, say that it is a rare alternative to classical writings of epochs past, dubbing Pavic the emperor of Serbian literature.
The mentioned three versions of Chinese Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavic are the 102nd translation of this book, which has so far been published in 36 languages. Next year, 2014, will mark the 30th anniversary of first Serbian publication of the Dictionary of the Khazars (1984) and the 5th anniversary of Pavic’s death.
The posthumous period has seen publication of 50 different translations of Pavic’s books worldwide, while 9 books in Serbian have been published in Serbia. The Dictionary of the Khazars itself took three years to be published in its original language.
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Izdavač Media art iz Novog Sada objavio je roman Milorada Pavića Zvezdani plašt kao elektronsku knjigu na srpskom jeziku. Knjiga se može naći na platormama Amazon, Kobo, Nok, Gugl Plej na adresi: Ovo je prva Pavićeva digitalna knjiga na srpskom. Na engleskom jeziku su još od 2010. godine dostupni gotovi svi naslovi digitalnih izdanja knjiga ovog autora, na Amazon Kindle:
In March, 2014, Jasmina Mihajlović published a new book ‘’On the Shores of the Khazar Sea’’. was the first to publish this book translated by Dragana Rajkov, and then Laguna published the book in Serbian, Jasmina’s mother tongue.
Readers have before them a very unusual autobiographical love story. Wrapped in a travelogue through exotic Azerbaijan and a series of private-public memories, it tells of the love of two writers whom death could not part.
Smooth, at times scathing, often melancholy, Jasmina Mihajlovic’s book On the Shores of the Khazar Sea is the testimony to the great love of two Serbian authors.
In this novel the reader will also get a glimpse of Eurosong in Eurasia, find out why in Azerbaijan the Caspian sea is called in the Khazar sea, follow wondrous events to the ends of two continents, but will also have the opportunity to learn about the turbulent, unconventional life of two artists, in Serbia and outside it.
“The Khazar Sea is unlike any other sea or ocean; it resembles a sea of dreams, even more so a sea woven from the Other Reality, but mostly what it in fact is – A SEA OF LOVE. In such (both virtual and actual) temporal and spatial coordinates we encounter the coauthoring couple, who are also the main protagonists, of this book: here Jasmina Mihajlović and Milorad Pavić find their eternal home, for here Love is eternally embodied in Word..."
Dr. Sava Damjanov Notes on the author
Jasmina Mihajlović is the author of travelogues, essays, novels. Her novel The Paris Kiss was translated into Russian (published by Azbooka) and English, where it can be found on Amazon as an e-book. She is the editor of the selected and collected works of Milorad Pavić. Since Pavić’s death she has been the testamentary heir of his copyrights and the curator of the "Bequest of Milorad Pavić”, founded by the City Assembly of Belgrade.
As a novelist Jasmina Mihajlović nurtures the eclectic genre of travel-epistolary prose with traces of anthropological essay and private memoir, which unfolds with the suspense of a thriller, horror and great love story.
On the Shores of the Khazar Sea . The Love Story of Two Writers is her new book after a literary pause, as after her husband's death she was busy with the posthumous publishing of his works throughout the world and managed to publish over 60 editions from 2010-2013 in America, Russia, China, Korea, Indonesia, France, Greece, Georgia, Mongolia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Albania, Azerbaijan, Mexico, the Czech Republic. The most difficult task was to publish Pavić’s books in Serbia , in his native language.
Media on ''On the Shores of the Khazar Sea''
Emisija za Beograd TV Sky+ 2.4.2014.
Srbija ON Line TV K:CN1 13.2.2013.
Emisija “Nešto novo” 4.5.2014.
Emisija “Portret plus TV Sky+” 19.5.2014; 21:46 - 28:38
Emisija “Ni crno ni belo” TV K:CN1 13.5.2014.
Nedeljnik: Tajni život Milorada Pavića
Laguna: Intervju - Jasmina Mihajlović: Pavić je svuda više živ nego u Srbiji
Laguna: Intervju - Jasmina Mihajlović: Orem književnu njivu za dvoje
Интервью Ясмины Михайлович
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30 years have passed from the first edition of the ''Dictionary of the Khazars'' – a lexicon novel in 100.000 words by Milorad Pavić (1929 – 2009). From 1984. up to today more than a million copies of the novel have been sold in ex-Yugoslavia and Serbia, and it has had 103 editions (ordinary, digital and audio editions) in 36 languages. The novel which takes the shape of dictionary entries tells the story of three religions – Christianism, Judaism and Islam, of the lost Khazar empire, the Middle Ages, baroque and modern era, of dreams and Dream hunters. The novel has been named ''the first novel of the 21st century'' by literary critics worldwide.
All around the world from New York to Moscow there are plays based on this novel, there are performances, exhibitions inspired by the book, there are clubs of fans of Pavić, the novel is being analyzed in the literary departments in various faculties and universities from all over the world, people are writing master and PhD thesis about the novel, they are making comics and Facebook pages…
Milorad Pavić was nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature. The Library of the University of Novi Sad (Serbia), where he was the dean was named after him, and there are two monuments – one in the centre of Belgrade (Tašmajdan) and one in Moscow (the Building of Foreign Literature).
The manuscript of the ’’Dictionary of the Khazars’’ is in his Bequest in Belgrade, and facsimile of the manuscript is in the Museum of Literature in Baku (Azerbaijan).
Jasmina Mihajlović's interview
TV – Pavić’s monument in Moscow
A piece about 30 years from the first edition of the ''Dictionary of the Khazars'' - Dnevnik 2 RTS, 6. 07. 2014.Култура/1641905/Три+деценије+"Хазарског+речника"+.html
The manuscript of the ’’Dictionary of the Khazars’’ (the Bequest of Milorad Pavić in Belgrade)
The facsimile of the manuscript of the ’’Dictionary of the Khazars’’ (Baku, Azerbaijan)
Pavić’s monument in Moscow
Pavić in Greece, Russia and China
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On the ocassion of 30 years from the first edition of the Dictionary of the Khazars (1984) and 5 years from the death of Milorad Pavić, Greek ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ had dediceted its whole October literary issue ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ to this Serbian writer.
In the add-on The Building of Spheres, Athens newspapers have published on four pages texts of Greek critics, photographs of eight translated books of Pavić, an article about the success of the Dictionary of the Khazars in China, excerpts from Two Fans from Galata which will soon be published; as well as the text Acoustics of Spheres by Goran Petrovic, which was specially ordered for this occasion.
Russian web portal Arguments and facts (Аргументы и факты), on the occasion of Pavić’s birthday (15.10), has published a lengthy text about the life and work of the writer, reminding us of Pavic’s Collected Works, which have been published in Russia several times. Elena Dudnik is the author of the text Bibliography instead of biography.
Recently the text about the Bequest of Milorad Pavić has been published in the luxurious Chinese magazine Travel +, in the issue dedicated to the Balkans. Belgrade and Serbia have been presented through Pavić’s literary work and legacy.
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“Vulkan’’ Publishing House has printed Selected Works of Milorad Pavić in 10 volumes for Belgrade Book Fair 2014. Both paperback and clothbound boxed set are available. The editor, prof. Aleksandar Jerkov, decided to publish 5 books of short stories with the following titles: Belgrade Stories, Mediterranean Stories, It’s a Small World, Serbian Stories and The Last Story; as well as the novels Dictionary of the Khazars, Landscape Painted with Tea, Inner Side of the Wind, Unique Item and Last Love in Constantinople’(in one book), Second Body and Artificial Mole (in one book).
The Bequest of Milorad Pavić (Jasmina Mihajlović) has also taken part in this publishing project. The unusual design for the paperback editions was created by Nebojsa Zorić, while Dejan Jovanović took care of the ‘’old fashioned’’ clothbound editions.
Selected Works of Milorad Pavić are special because of the first publication of The Last Story of this author, written just before he passed away. The story was published in the book by the same name. Also, the editor decided to put some novels together, so Unique Item and Last Love in Constantinople, novels of unusual form, were published in one book. On the other hand, Aleksandar Jerkov decided to unify the Second Body and Artificial Mole, two last novels of this acknowledged Serbian writer.
Collected or Selected Works of Milorad Pavić were previously published by “Prosveta” (1990) and “Draganić” Publishing House (1996). In Russia Sankt Petersburg’s “Azbuka” and “Amfora” used to publish his selected works. Electronic version of the selected works of Milorad Pavić in English can be found on kindle
More about the Selected Works of Milorad Pavić (Vulkan):

Jasmina Mihajlović’s autobiographical travel book ’’On the Shores of the Khazar Sea’’ (Laguna, 2014) will be published in Baku, in Azeri, then in Georgia, in Georgian,where the author will be the special guest of the Tbilisi Book Fair in May. The Russian translation of her book will be published by ’’Amfora’’, from Saint Petersburg.
The December issue of the luxurious Azerbaijani literary magazine ’’Kitabči’' (''The Book Shop'') had the photo of Milorad Pavić and Jasmina Mihajlović on its cover, while in the magazine eight pages were dedicated to this literary pair and their prose. Along with the interview given to Azeri writer Selim Babuloglu there were excerpts from ''On the Shores of the Khazar Sea''.
The enourmus success of Milorad Pavić in China, with ’’Dictionary of the Khazars’’, was crowned with the 4th deluxe edition at the end of the last year. Up to this day the Chinese have published ’’Dictionary of the Khazars’’ in hardback, as an e-book, then also a clothbound edition with a protective box and illustrations on a bamboo paper, with the geneaology of the characters of the book throughout all three period during which the book takes place, and the latest red clothbound edition is a real masterpiece. It is made as an old, antique book, with lavish illustrations, it has a map of the old Khazaria, and in the end of the book there are verses of Judah Halevi, one of the historical characters in the book.
Numerous Chinese journalists and writers have been visiting the Bequest of Milorad Pavić over the last years, thus including in their luxurious travel magazines the Balkans, Serbia and Belgrade through the literary work of Milorad Pavić and his Bequest.
During the last visit Shanghai writer Chen Danyan, who deals with the philosophy of traveling as well as Shanghai during the first decades of the 20th century, made a TV show for the Chinese television, for the Internet portals, and even for Chinese mobile telephony! She also traveled around Serbia using topography from ’’Dictionary of the Khazars’’ as a map, so the new Chinese edition of this bestselling novel translated in 36 languages will have a map of Serbia, which could be named ’’Serbia: Following Pavić’s Trace.
Bulgarian graphic artist Yassen Panov, has made a bibliophile edition of ’’Dictionary of the Khazars’’ in Bulgarian. He has been working on it for 20 years. The promotion and the presentation of this book-object took place in February in Sofia, Bulgaria. Jasmina Mihajlović attended this exciting culture event. The book is placed in metal bearing and it consists of 244 separate graphic pages. The front cover was made of heavy molten glass which get into the grooves of the metal bearing. Panov’s style of black and white graphics mostly reminds of Dürer's graphics and Da Vinci's drawings with a special touch of Yassen Panov's art fantasy. This edition will be presented on the Bologna Book Fair, and the artist will also make an English version (page layout) of the book's texts. In 2016 the publishing house ''Dereta'' will publish a more suitable edition resembling a real book, but it will be in English, because the publisher is preparing Pavić's novels in English, having in mind that ''Vulkan'' has published The Selected Works of Pavić in 10 books (paperback and clothbound in a protective box) in Serbian on the last Belgrade Book Fair.
Jasmina Mihajlović has given an interview to the March issue of the Serbian version of the Newsweek, for the column ’’Wives of famous writers’’.