In Paris, in the theatre Odeon, Milorad Pavic’s Dictionary of the Khazars was given the Le Nuit du Livre award for literature for 2016. The book was awarded because of Milorad Pavic’s extraordinary text and Gabrielle Coze’s graphic design which gave it the magnificent look. Le Nouvel Attila is the publisher.
The Le Nuit de Livre award celebrates the beauty in the books by rewarding authors’ talents, whether they are writers, photographers or illustrators, as well as publisher’s associates. The award’s jury thinks that “the beauty of the book is the result of the perfect encounter between the author’s intellectual universe and the designer’s technical universe.”
Publié le22 mars 2016par bejanovska
Une belle récompense pour le texte exceptionnel de Milorad Pavic et la graphiste Gabrielle Coze qui lui a offert un habit royal!
La Nuit du Livre a pour ambition de célébrer la beauté dans les livres, en récompensant le talent de l’auteur, qu’il soit écrivain, photographe ou illustrateur, mais aussi le talent du fabricant pour la maison d’édition. Le jury de ce prix considère que « la beauté d’un livre est en effet le résultat d’une rencontre parfaite entre l’univers intellectuel de l’auteur et de l’univers technique du fabricant ».
Fraîchement diplômée de l’ESAG Penninghen en direction artistique et art graphique, Gabrielle Coze s’est spécialisée dans les domaines de l’édition et de l’identité de marque. Son approche du design se résume comme elle le décrit: « Le design graphique peut être typographique; noir est une couleur; blanc un silence; le détail fait souvent l’ensemble; on peut toucher des yeux et regarder avec les mains; l’erreur sait surprendre. »
Pour Le nouvel Attila, elle a été une rêveuse designeuse de Khazars.
Intervju Jasmine Mihajlović o Miloradu Paviću
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U Novom Sadu je početkom septembra održana druga po redu književna konferencija Book Talk 2016. U okviru panela: Umetnik i njegov spomenik: kako čuvamo uspomenu na dela velikana naše kulture, sudelovali su: Jasmina Mihajlović, Isidora Bjelica, Jasna Jovanov, Milan Isaković i Vlaho Bogišić.
Dva intervjua u Azerbejdžanu
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Dijalozi sa Miloradom Pavićem
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Pavić u 2016 godini
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Tokom 2016. godine godine prevodi Pavićevih knjiga su izašli u Koreji, Španiji, Kini, Albaniji, Americi.
Milorad Pavić's Bequest
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Milorad Pavić's Bequest was established in 1992 by Belgrade City Assembly. It is situated in Belgrade, Dorćol quarter, in a home where Pavić lived with his wife Jasmina Mihajlović, also a writer. According to the contract and the Probate Decision, after his demise (2009), the legal guardians of the Bequest except the City Assembly, became Jasmina Mihajlović who will live in Bequest until her death and also Ivan Pavić – a painter, the son of a writer. After that, the ownership of the Bequest will be taken over by the City of Belgrade.
The Bequest as a legal concept implies that the researchers of Milorad Pavić's works have access to the complete material found in the apartment. Also, according to the agreement with the City Assembly, Bequest opens for the general audience during the European Heritage Days, held each year at the end of September.
In 2015th at the building where Bequest is located, the memorial bust dedicated to Milorad Pavić was announced – the work of the Russian sculptor Grigory Potocky. Bust is a replica of Pavić's monument located in Moscow in the Alley of the honorable citizens (atrium of the Library of Foreign Languages). During the Belgrade Day in Moscow (2017), a video-clip in 3D technique was especially designed for this manifestation: Days of Moscow, Milorad Pavic Bequest
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Press Center of the Journalists’ Association of Serbia
Avant Art Magazine
The publishing house Dereta has released the first illustrated edition of the Milorad Pavic’s Dictionary of the Khazars in English. The author of illustrations is famous Bulgarian artist Yasen Panov.
These detailed and luxurious drawings that Panov created, was inspired by the book over the past twenty years. The original bibliophilic edition in Bulgarian made on large-format sheets placed in a metal box with a cover made of cast glass was presented to the audience two years ago in Sofia.
Having in mind the needs of the publisher, Yasen Panov has incorporated the text and drawings into the English translation of the Dictionary of the Khazars, so this book will be presented to the public in Serbia for the first time as an illustrated edition of the usual format at the Book Fair in Belgrade.
A formal promotion will be held during November in Belgrade, with the presence of the author, Yassen Panov.
In the show "Exclusive" by Mira Adanja-Polak, dedicated to the widows of Serbian writers, Jasmina Mihajlović, the writer and widow of Milorad Pavić talks about her marriage and her life with Pavić. The show was based on the book "The Guardians - the Widow of Writers" by Aleksandar Đuričić.
The viewers will see the home, now the Bequest of a glorious writer. Bequest of Milorad Pavić will be opened for European Heritage Days, a manifestation under the auspices of the Council of Europe, which is held every year on the whole continent, at the end of September.
Slobodan Antonić: Imperija protiv pisca
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Milorad Pavić je na vrhuncu svetske slave (1992) odbacio propagandne laži o Srbima. Zato je proglašen „srpskim nacionalistom”, a njegov Hazarski rečnik „otrovnom knjigom”. Na kraju ga je „druga Srbija” razvlačila po prašini i izrugivala mu se. To je bila pokazna vežba kolonijalne kulturne politike: „Srbin nikad ne može da bude Pisac”