Novi Heder 2021 001 1



The memorial bust of Milorad Pavić

In Belgrade, on the 24th of November, 2015, the memorial bust of Milorad Pavić was revealed on the building where he lived and where his Bequest is located. The bust and a memorial... read more..


Re-edition of the ''Dictionary of the Khazars'' in France

RE-EDITION OF THE "DICTIONARY OF THE KHAZARS" IN FRANCE The publishing house ''New Attila'' (Le Nouvel Attila) from Paris has published the new edition of the ''Dictionary of the ... read more..


Milorad Pavić and Jasmina Mihajlović in Georgia and Azerbaijan

JASMINA MIHAJLOVIĆ AS A SPECIAL GUEST OPENED THE 17th INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR IN TBILISI  At the end of May, Jasmina Mihajlović spent five days in the capital of Georg... read more..


Legat Milorada Pavića u poseti Legatu Milića od Mačve u Kruševcu

U neobičnom prostoru, galeriji, u „Legatu Milića od Mačve“, održano je 12. maja pred prepunom salom književno veče posvećeno srpskom i azerbejdžanskom izdanju knjige Jasmine Mihajl... read more..


Literary Evening on Pavić in Argentina

A literary evening on the prose of Milorad Pavić and Dino Buzzati was held in the National Library of Buenos Aires. The lecture was dedicated to literary fantasy and world. Profess... read more..


''On the Shores of the Khazar Sea'' in Azerbaijan. Chinese international radio GB Times on literary couple Pavić – Mihajlović. Jasmina Mihajlović's interview for ''Newsweek''

Jasmina Mihajlović's autobiographical prose ''On the Shores of the Khazar Sea'' (Laguna) was published in Azeri  (Ajnur Tabrizli's translation). The publisher is the Translati... read more..


Milorad Pavić and Jasmina Mihajlović in Serbia and worldwide

Jasmina Mihajlović’s autobiographical travel book ’’On the Shores of the Khazar Sea’’ (Laguna, 2014) will be published in Baku, in Azeri, then in Georgia, in Georgian,where the aut... read more..

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